看總統夫人之前先看 總統先生...
傳給我知道的歐巴馬迷後 大家反應皆是
"oh... he is so cute" XD

當選前上的節目 (個人覺得很精彩)
主持人功力真的很重要 把問題問得很輕鬆

最喜歡的一句話 是問到 身為女性 (而且是很有成就的女性)
對於希拉蕊在民主黨選舉時碰到的性別歧視 有甚麼感想

Yes, there is always a level. People are not used to strong women...
Hilary said she has created 18 milion holes in the ceiling, 
and we just have to keep pushing it.
It's only women like her step out, take the risk, take the hits.
It's painful and it's hurtful, but she is taking it 
so my girls when they come along, they dont hav to feel it as badly.

luv it  



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